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5 Amazing facts on sneeze

5 Things You didn't know about sneeze

Cold and flu season may be winding down, but sneezing -- with allergies surely on the way -- is here to stay. We all do it, though some of us are more disruptively loud than others. It's a reflex
we simply can't control. People often sneeze without any unhealthy medical cause.Sometimes we don't have cold but still we sneeze.There can actually other reasons to have sneeze and there are some interesting facts about sneeze.Some of them you may already know but some will get you amazed.Here is countdown....

1.Superfast Sneeze:-
Sneeze can travel upto 100 miles per hour.Yeah really...

2.Without blink sneeze:-
It is quite amazing that you can't sneeze without closing your eyes.If you don't believe it then next time when you sneeze keep that in mind and try to sneeze with your eyes open.

3.Sneeze coz of Sunlight:-
It is found in studies that bright light can make you sneeze. About
one in four people sneeze in sunlight, a reaction called a photic sneeze reflex.It is not properly understood why it happens but there is a theory which states that the message which brain recieves to contract the pupil in bright light can cross path of the message signal which brain recieves for sneezing.

4.Heart doesn't stop:-
It was firstly considered that our heart beat skips while sneezing.But recent studies have proved the fact that our heart only gets slow down and the effect is quite minimal.So people oftenly not feel this.

5.How far germs land :-
Normal sneeze can lead the germs to reach as much as 5 feets And some strong sneezes can result in a coverage of 20-25 feets.Now one can probably guess that there is no escaping those germs.


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