Include the viewport settings in Cordova If you are facing the auto zooming problem of cordova then go read on the full article. Cordova actually ignores the viewport meta tag which causes the pixel density problem. So we need to tell cordova that viewport tag is equally important as other tags. To do this, we need to add some code to a file which is specify in the article. Corodva messes with pixels If you are using the latest cordova version or creating the cordova app for latest android versions then you may have faced the zoom malfunctioning.I also faced it when creating an app. Many of you may have already searched the web and found the answer of changing the meta tag attributes to get it working. But adding target-densitydpi=medium-dpi does not solve the problem for latest android versions. It may work for gingerbread but not for kitkat and others. So the final solution which i found was one of the stackexchange answer but rarely found. So i am gonna two things here, i ...
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