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Symbols for characters used in HTML and JAVASCRIPT

Symbols used in javascript and HTML entities

There have been a number of times when you want to add a url in javascript but the format is wrong.In such cases the format error occurs because of the symbols/numeric characters used in javascript instead of normal characters.In this article here is a complete list of such characters and their symbols used in html and javascript.I hope it will help you a lot...

chr  HexCode   Numeric   HTML entity  escape(chr)  encodeURI(chr)   Description
"\x22" " %22 %22 quotation mark
&\x26& & %26 & ampersand
<\x3C&#60; &lt; %3C %3C less-than sign
>\x3E&#62; &gt; %3E %3E greater-than sign
 \xA0&#160; &nbsp; %A0 %C2%A0 non-breaking space
¡\xA1&#161; &iexcl; %A1 %C2%A1 inverted exclamation mark
¢\xA2&#162; &cent; %A2 %C2%A2 cent sign
£\xA3&#163; &pound; %A3 %C2%A3 pound sign
¤\xA4&#164; &curren; %A4 %C2%A4 currency sign
¥\xA5&#165; &yen; %A5 %C2%A5 yen sign = yuan sign
¦\xA6&#166; &brvbar; %A6 %C2%A6 broken vertical bar
§\xA7&#167; &sect; %A7 %C2%A7 section sign
¨\xA8&#168; &uml; %A8 %C2%A8 diaeresis = spacing diaeresis
©\xA9&#169; &copy; %A9 %C2%A9 copyright sign
ª\xAA&#170; &ordf; %AA %C2%AA feminine ordinal indicator
«\xAB&#171; &laquo; %AB %C2%AB left-pointing double angle quotation mark = left pointing guillemet
¬\xAC&#172; &not; %AC %C2%AC not sign
­\xAD&#173; &shy; %AD %C2%AD soft hyphen = discretionary hyphen
®\xAE&#174; &reg; %AE %C2%AE registered sign = registered trademark sign
¯\xAF&#175; &macr; %AF %C2%AF macron = spacing macron = overline = APL overbar
°\xB0&#176; &deg; %B0 %C2%B0 degree sign
±\xB1&#177; &plusmn; %B1 %C2%B1 plus-minus sign = plus-or-minus sign
²\xB2&#178; &sup2; %B2 %C2%B2 superscript two = superscript digit two = squared
³\xB3&#179; &sup3; %B3 %C2%B3 superscript three = superscript digit three = cubed
´\xB4&#180; &acute; %B4 %C2%B4 acute accent = spacing acute
µ\xB5&#181; &micro; %B5 %C2%B5 micro sign
\xB6&#182; &para; %B6 %C2%B6 pilcrow sign = paragraph sign
·\xB7&#183; &middot; %B7 %C2%B7 middle dot = Georgian comma = Greek middle dot
¸\xB8&#184; &cedil; %B8 %C2%B8 cedilla = spacing cedilla
¹\xB9&#185; &sup1; %B9 %C2%B9 superscript one = superscript digit one
º\xBA&#186; &ordm; %BA %C2%BA masculine ordinal indicator
»\xBB&#187; &raquo; %BB %C2%BB right-pointing double angle quotation mark = right pointing guillemet
¼\xBC&#188; &frac14; %BC %C2%BC vulgar fraction one quarter = fraction one quarter
½\xBD&#189; &frac12; %BD %C2%BD vulgar fraction one half = fraction one half
¾\xBE&#190; &frac34; %BE %C2%BE vulgar fraction three quarters = fraction three quarters
¿\xBF&#191; &iquest; %BF %C2%BF inverted question mark = turned question mark
×\xD7&#215; &times; %D7 %C3%97 multiplication sign
÷\xF7&#247; &divide; %F7 %C3%B7 division sign
ƒ\u0192&#402; &fnof; %u0192 %C6%92 latin small f with hook = function = florin
ˆ\u02C6&#710; &circ; %u02C6 %CB%86 modifier letter circumflex accent
˜\u02DC&#732; &tilde; %u02DC %CB%9C small tilde
\u2002&#8194; &ensp; %u2002 %E2%80%82 en space
\u2003&#8195; &emsp; %u2003 %E2%80%83 em space
\u2009&#8201; &thinsp; %u2009 %E2%80%89 thin space
\u200C&#8204; &zwnj; %u200C %E2%80%8C zero width non-joiner
\u200D&#8205; &zwj; %u200D %E2%80%8D zero width joiner
\u200E&#8206; &lrm; %u200E %E2%80%8E left-to-right mark
\u200F&#8207; &rlm; %u200F %E2%80%8F right-to-left mark
\u2013&#8211; &ndash; %u2013 %E2%80%93 en dash
\u2014&#8212; &mdash; %u2014 %E2%80%94 em dash
\u2018&#8216; &lsquo; %u2018 %E2%80%98 left single quotation mark
\u2019&#8217; &rsquo; %u2019 %E2%80%99 right single quotation mark
\u201A&#8218; &sbquo; %u201A %E2%80%9A single low-9 quotation mark
\u201C&#8220; &ldquo; %u201C %E2%80%9C left double quotation mark
\u201D&#8221; &rdquo; %u201D %E2%80%9D right double quotation mark
\u201E&#8222; &bdquo; %u201E %E2%80%9E double low-9 quotation mark
\u2020&#8224; &dagger; %u2020 %E2%80%A0 dagger
\u2021&#8225; &Dagger; %u2021 %E2%80%A1 double dagger
\u2022&#8226; &bull; %u2022 %E2%80%A2 bullet = black small circle
\u2026&#8230; &hellip; %u2026 %E2%80%A6 horizontal ellipsis = three dot leader
\u2030&#8240; &permil; %u2030 %E2%80%B0 per mille sign
\u2032&#8242; &prime; %u2032 %E2%80%B2 prime = minutes = feet
\u2033&#8243; &Prime; %u2033 %E2%80%B3 double prime = seconds = inches
\u2039&#8249; &lsaquo; %u2039 %E2%80%B9 single left-pointing angle quotation mark
\u203A&#8250; &rsaquo; %u203A %E2%80%BA single right-pointing angle quotation mark
\u203E&#8254; &oline; %u203E %E2%80%BE overline = spacing overscore
\u2044&#8260; &frasl; %u2044 %E2%81%84 fraction slash
\u20AC&#8364; &euro; %u20AC %E2%82%AC euro sign
\u2111&#8465; &image; %u2111 %E2%84%91 blackletter capital I = imaginary part
\u2113&#8467; %u2113 %E2%84%93 script small L
\u2116&#8470; %u2116 %E2%84%96 numero sign
\u2118&#8472; &weierp; %u2118 %E2%84%98 script capital P = power set = Weierstrass p
\u211C&#8476; &real; %u211C %E2%84%9C blackletter capital R = real part symbol
\u2122&#8482; &trade; %u2122 %E2%84%A2 trademark sign
\u2135&#8501; &alefsym; %u2135 %E2%84%B5 alef symbol = first transfinite cardinal
\u2190&#8592; &larr; %u2190 %E2%86%90 leftwards arrow
\u2191&#8593; &uarr; %u2191 %E2%86%91 upwards arrow
\u2192&#8594; &rarr; %u2192 %E2%86%92 rightwards arrow
\u2193&#8595; &darr; %u2193 %E2%86%93 downwards arrow
\u2194&#8596; &harr; %u2194 %E2%86%94 left right arrow
\u21B5&#8629; &crarr; %u21B5 %E2%86%B5 downwards arrow with corner leftwards = carriage return
\u21D0&#8656; &lArr; %u21D0 %E2%87%90 leftwards double arrow
\u21D1&#8657; &uArr; %u21D1 %E2%87%91 upwards double arrow
\u21D2&#8658; &rArr; %u21D2 %E2%87%92 rightwards double arrow
\u21D3&#8659; &dArr; %u21D3 %E2%87%93 downwards double arrow
\u21D4&#8660; &hArr; %u21D4 %E2%87%94 left right double arrow
\u2200&#8704; &forall; %u2200 %E2%88%80 for all
\u2202&#8706; &part; %u2202 %E2%88%82 partial differential
\u2203&#8707; &exist; %u2203 %E2%88%83 there exists
\u2205&#8709; &empty; %u2205 %E2%88%85 empty set = null set = diameter
\u2207&#8711; &nabla; %u2207 %E2%88%87 nabla = backward difference
\u2208&#8712; &isin; %u2208 %E2%88%88 element of
\u2209&#8713; &notin; %u2209 %E2%88%89 not an element of
\u220B&#8715; &ni; %u220B %E2%88%8B contains as member
\u220F&#8719; &prod; %u220F %E2%88%8F n-ary product = product sign
\u2211&#8721; &sum; %u2211 %E2%88%91 n-ary sumation
\u2212&#8722; &minus; %u2212 %E2%88%92 minus sign
\u2217&#8727; &lowast; %u2217 %E2%88%97 asterisk operator
\u221A&#8730; &radic; %u221A %E2%88%9A square root = radical sign
\u221D&#8733; &prop; %u221D %E2%88%9D proportional to
\u221E&#8734; &infin; %u221E %E2%88%9E infinity
\u2220&#8736; &ang; %u2220 %E2%88%A0 angle
\u2227&#8743; &and; %u2227 %E2%88%A7 logical and = wedge
\u2228&#8744; &or; %u2228 %E2%88%A8 logical or = vee
\u2229&#8745; &cap; %u2229 %E2%88%A9 intersection = cap
\u222A&#8746; &cup; %u222A %E2%88%AA union = cup
\u222B&#8747; &int; %u222B %E2%88%AB integral
\u2234&#8756; &there4; %u2234 %E2%88%B4 therefore
\u223C&#8764; &sim; %u223C %E2%88%BC tilde operator = varies with = similar to
\u2245&#8773; &cong; %u2245 %E2%89%85 approximately equal to
\u2248&#8776; &asymp; %u2248 %E2%89%88 almost equal to = asymptotic to
\u2260&#8800; &ne; %u2260 %E2%89%A0 not equal to
\u2261&#8801; &equiv; %u2261 %E2%89%A1 identical to
\u2264&#8804; &le; %u2264 %E2%89%A4 less-than or equal to
\u2265&#8805; &ge; %u2265 %E2%89%A5 greater-than or equal to
\u2282&#8834; &sub; %u2282 %E2%8A%82 subset of
\u2283&#8835; &sup; %u2283 %E2%8A%83 superset of
\u2284&#8836; &nsub; %u2284 %E2%8A%84 not a subset of
\u2286&#8838; &sube; %u2286 %E2%8A%86 subset of or equal to
\u2287&#8839; &supe; %u2287 %E2%8A%87 superset of or equal to
\u2295&#8853; &oplus; %u2295 %E2%8A%95 circled plus = direct sum
\u2297&#8855; &otimes; %u2297 %E2%8A%97 circled times = vector product
\u22A5&#8869; &perp; %u22A5 %E2%8A%A5 up tack = orthogonal to = perpendicular
\u22C5&#8901; &sdot; %u22C5 %E2%8B%85 dot operator
\u2308&#8968; &lceil; %u2308 %E2%8C%88 left ceiling = apl upstile
\u2309&#8969; &rceil; %u2309 %E2%8C%89 right ceiling
\u230A&#8970; &lfloor; %u230A %E2%8C%8A left floor = apl downstile
\u230B&#8971; &rfloor; %u230B %E2%8C%8B right floor
\u2329&#9001; &lang; %u2329 %E2%8C%A9 left-pointing angle bracket = bra
\u232A&#9002; &rang; %u232A %E2%8C%AA right-pointing angle bracket = ket
\u25CA&#9674; &loz; %u25CA %E2%97%8A lozenge
\u2660&#9824; &spades; %u2660 %E2%99%A0 black spade suit
\u2663&#9827; &clubs; %u2663 %E2%99%A3 black club suit = shamrock
\u2665&#9829; &hearts; %u2665 %E2%99%A5 black heart suit = valentine
\u2666&#9830; &diams; %u2666 %E2%99%A6 black diamond suit


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