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Make Your Blog Popular and learn about Search Engines

Well, If you are writing a blog or running a website then you must want a lot of visitors to your blog or site or what it is.Every blogger wants to share his thoughts, articles and some new tricks.Thats why he starts a blog But what if noone is interested in reading your articles then that brings a huge dissapointment (really huge).So if you want to attract visitors to your blog then read on...Because after reading this article you are gonna learn something very important about SEO.

SEO..!!Where did that come from...??

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization.I hope you very well know what is a search engine.But for those who don't about it yet, Search Engine is a tool which keeps listing of all the websites and rank them which is popular, which is what and what...If are using google search then you are already a user of search engine.Because google search displays you the results which can help you solving your problem (which are related to your search query).

Now as you have known that search engine ranks the websites then you may have understood that it is search engine which is responsible for you drowning blog. But hey..don't curse it because it will also be responsible to get you to the top and will gift you a huge packet of visitors.
Different search engines use different algorithms (may be another new term..!!) to list the websites and give them a popularity mark.There are many factors which can effect your blog's popularity.Google search engine uses some of the following.....

  1. Specified Topic:- This is an important factor so don't underestimate it.If you are yourself not sure what are you blogging about then how can a search engine be.Your blog's topic defines the type of users which are gonna visit your website.For example...If you are running a fashion blog then all the fashion geeks can refer to your blog and they will be in touch with your blog for some interesting fashion tip But if are running an anonymous blog then no one will become your regular visitor because one day you are writing about animals and the other day you are writing about planes.What sense does it make...

    So be sure about your blog's topic so that the search engine puts your blog in some specific category.
  2. Quality Articles:- Well this one is not a part of search engine algorithm.But it is as important as topic.Because what you want is genuine readers which appreciate your work not some irrelevant popularity which is not getting you any readers.

    So be a good guide and earn the trust of your visitors.Atleast don't bluff your visitors.
  3. Regular Publishing:- You won't believe this one but what i am gonna write in the next few lines is extremely true. Regularly updating your blog gets you a whole lot of visitors.Even the big websites like agree that publishing more articles regularly take you to the top 10 search results of google.Publishing one article a week must be your priority...And once again i am telling you, don't publish nuisance. If you publish 2 articles a week then your traffic(visitors) would increase by 18%(According to a survey). And publishing 3 articles a week can get you 30% increment in your visitors.So just focus on regularly updating your blog with quality articles.
  4. Smooth Interface:- Just think about a minute, if you are a visitor of some blog then what would you expect from the design of that blog.You would want that it should be smooth to navigate in that blog...And that what your visitors want from you.So don't stuck with a lots of widgets/plug-ins in your blog.Just add the important tools so that your visitors find it nice to be reading your article.It not only enhances your design but also reduces your blog's loading time.You blog would just open up in one click in less than 10 seconds if you are using just the important widgets.

These are some of the natural steps which you have to take care of before writing any article.Now i was talking about the search engine algorithm which decides which website should be rank higher and which should be rank lower.I am gonna take you through the process which google follows to rank your website.Keep reading fellas...
  1. Description:- Google searches for the description of your blog which should match with the interest with your visitor search query.If it matches then it list your blog in its search results but maybe not in the top results.If i am not wrong then question might be popping in your mind...Hey thats ridiculous , how can i change my page description everytime a user search for something..?? Well the answer is you are not gonna do that.Remember what i said in the above four factors.

    Your blog should attract visitors of same interest of yours so don't think about users with different interests. Let them search anything.You just focus on your visitors which want to know about your interest.And make your description that way...
    For example..lets suppose you are running a android blog then your description should be something like this "A place where you will find every android related stuff which will help you handle your smartphone"..
  2. Keywords:- Keywords are explicitly inserted in your page's HTML code.These words help the search engine identify your blog's content.This will not only attract the visitors but also make you page display in search results.Now here comes the big question:- How can you insert these words in your code.You don't have to wait because I'll teach you that tactic in just the next article.
  3. Backlinks:- Here comes the daddy..Yes you saw right. Backlink is the daddy of all the tactics or process or algorithm which google follows. It is based on the daily life situation. Lets assume that you are popular in your area for teaching tuition to students then the students' parents and even the students will refer your name to other students' parents or the students themselves. In this way they are generating a backlink to you. Same applies with the websites. If your website/blog is useful worth reading then other blogs will refer your site for some specific topic and a backlink will be generated. Google detects the number of backlinks and change your rank on that basis.

    But as you can guess, if this game is all about backlink then there must have already been some loop holes which hackers have detected. There is a term called "Black Hat SEO". This term leads to the illegal(not an appropriate word) way to generate traffic to your blog But that will be temporary because as soon as search engine catches your blog you are out of its list.So don't try any shortcut Because it is GOOGLE :- The lord of links.

This was all about to introduce you search engines and provide you some tips on generating a lot of traffic. Just always keep in mind, You are writing to share your knowledge to the actual readers.In the upcoming articles, i'll get you on a tour to the world of SEO and How can you use simple legal code to increase your traffic.So don't forget to come here and find answer of all of your queries.Till then..HAPPY BLOGGING....


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