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Search box for blog or website

This is the most basic need for any blog.Every blogger would want for his visitors to make it easy to search his blog.Search box helps your visitors to navigate through your blog and also increase your traffic.It also keeps you updated with your indexed posts.If you don't know about indexing then not to worry at all because it is the place where you will find everything.Blogger is totally customisable and you can add search box in your blog at any place where you want.I am sure if you are writing a blog then you are familiar with blogger widgets and you have also found blogger search box widget.Now the question is : Why are you reading this post if you know about the search box widget.Well, the answer is very simple: Search box widget is not working and is not providing the search results.

Drawback of Search Box Widget

  1. You know the basic search box widget of blogger is somewhat unsuccessful in providing the search results.May be this can be some problem with the widget.
  2. Also the provided search results are appeared in a very unprofessional design.
Another Solution

The good news is that there are more than one solution.
  1. First one is an application provided by the master of search engines:google.The application is known as "google custom search".
  2. Second one is a customisable search box which is only created by html and css.
What are we gonna learn..

The customisable search box is somewhat not the perfect option for your blog because the search results are the posts which contain the search query.So we are gonna learn to use the google custom search which is very reliable because it contains all the features which you will love and your visitors love. Some of the features i've listed below...

Pop-Up results..

css popup effect in google custom search

The search results are appeared in a pop-up window which is kind of nice effect in your blog.Many big websites like w3schools use this custom search box and it looks awesome when you search something.

In-built Ads..

Built-in ads in google custom search

This is one of the best features for everyone who love to earn money from their blog.If you have an adsense account then you can integrate it with your adsense account and you will get money from the clicks on ads which will appear in search results.These ads will be related to the query which your visitors have searched.


Promotions in google custom search

I personally love this feature because i use it to promote my other blogs which contain the content related to searched query.And i am sure if someone has got more than one blog then you would love to get traffic to your other blog too.Google custom search application is helpful regarding this.You can also use this feature to sell ad space to other people who will pay you for their ads in your search results.This feature lets you choose the keywords which will make the promoted website ad appear in your search results.

Sites to search..

This is also one of the best features and this is also helpful for advertisement and getting traffic to your other blog.This option asks you the websites through which you want the search engine to search the queries.In this option, you can specify more than one website and in this way you can drive traffic to your other blog and also you can make money through this option by adding the websites which are paying you to appear in your search results.


statistics and logs of google custom search

What you'll do if you want to track the total searched results and the number of clicks to get the traffic report and the perfect navigation of your blog..??
The answer is simple:google custom search
You can get all the stats and logs of your search engine and you can track your blog's success easily.

Your blog, Your Theme..

There is a look and feel option in the search engine which will help you designing your search box according to your blog's theme.Your all the design related queries can be answered here.Click here

Well honestly speaking, there are a lot of features of google custom search application but which i have mentioned in this post are enough to convince you to choose this application for your blog.

How to Implement the application..

So now here comes the big question which you will be thinking..
Okay Dude, Thats cool but tell me how to implement this application in blog..??
And i'll say, chillax dude..if i have brought you so far then i won't let you go without getting you learn to implement this awesome application.Here are the steps which you'll need to follow to get this search box in your blog.

  1. Nothing can be get without visiting the website of the tool, so the firstly go to Google Custom Search website.
  2. Then just log into your account and click on "New Search Engine".
  3. There will be some type of form which you'll need to fill to setup your search box.
  4. Add your website and change its look and feel.
  5. Then in the setup tab there will be a option named "indexing".Click it and click on the third option "URL in a sitemap".Then add this http://Your-Blog-Address/atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=1&max-results=500  and click on "index".
  6. Bravo..You have done a great job and your job is done.Now you only need to click on "Get code" in the "basics" of setup tab.Copy the code.
  7. Now log into your blog and add an html/javascript widget to the place where you want your search box to appear.
  8. One last step..Paste the code and save your widget.
Its done now,,congratulation guys.You can add the promotion website and integrate your adsense account whenever you want.

Note:Its possible that the search results may start appearing after sometime because google needs some time to index the blog posts of your blog.


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