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Identify Your Google Chrome's Limits

A web browser is one of the most important thing in your device whether it is smart phone or desktop or laptop or anything else.And when it comes to speed, we all want to have some kind of browser which can load pages faster even if we don't wanna spend money on our internet connections.Smart phone browsers usually vary from phone to phone but desktop browsers are all the same on everyone's machine.Among the various desktop browsers like google chrome, mozilla firefox, opera, internet explorer and safari, people like you and me majorly choose either google chrome or mozilla firefox.We normally choose our browser based on its page loading capabilities and in this aspect google chrome has come out to be the fastest.As of January 2015, StatCounter estimates that Google Chrome has a 51% worldwide usage share of web browsers, indicating that it is the most widely used web browser in the world.(source wikipedia).But still many of us haven't recognized the full capabilities of this browser.So today, we all are gonna know about our favorite browser.

Basic Features

So lets first talk about the basic functionality of chrome because there may be a few guys who are new to this browser thing.Below is a list of chrome's basic features.If you think you know all about the basics even then you should have a look because the things we consider we know might be hidden from us.

  • Fastest Page LoadingGoogle chrome provides the fastest page browsing functionality because of its extended settings.You can turn on/off your page's javascript loading function which helps in reducing the page loading time. What..?? Wanna know how to do it..?? Okay let me tell you..
    • Go to your chrome's setting and click on "advanced settings".Then there will be a button named "content settings".Click that.
    • Then a popup will appear. Go to javascript settings on that popup and there you can manage javascript.By disabling javascript, your browser's page loading speed will increase but some sites using javascript will become dull. So use it at your own convenience.
  • Multitabs
    Its one of the basic features provided by every browser available in the market. But in chrome, the performance of each tab does not reduce whether you have open 5 tabs or 10 tabs.Also there are a lot of features associated with chrome tabs which i will discuss in the next section.So keep reading.
  • View Page sourceThis feature allows you to view the source code of any web page which includes HTML code, styling code and included links.But you can't view the dynamic javascript code of that page.Only the static code will be available.To view the source of any web page, just go to that page and right click there. Then click on "view page source" And will be seeing the source code of that page.
  • BookMarksBookmarks are those web addresses which you can access directly without going to your browser history.Chrome not only provides the option to store bookmarks but also it provides the feature of storing your bookmark in any folder you want. Lets try this. Just click on the right most star in your browser's search bar and then a popup will appear.Click on the folder's option and select any folder you want to save your bookmark into.You can also create a new folder there.
  • Incognito ModeThis is the secret mode for hard workers.If you don't want your browsing history to get stored then it is the best option for you.To open the incognito, click on the right most menu option in your browser and click on "New Incognito Window".
The above mentioned features are just the basic ones which you use almost daily.Now there are some features about which you don't know and will be happy to know about them.But before going to the advanced features, lets first know about tabs features.

Tabs Functions And Features

Chrome tabs are so cool and fast that you don't hesitate to open a new tab to search something or open something. The performance of each tab is independent of other tabs and thus you get a fast browsing experience.There are some features and shortcuts of tabs which will help you navigating through tabs.Here is the list..

  • Open a New TabNormally you open a new tab by right clicking on the opened tab but this demands time.So to open a tab immediately just press "CTRL + T".This shortcut is also mentioned in the right click window if you have noticed that
  • Duplicate TabWhen you want one more copy of your opened tab with the same history associated then what will you normally do is copy the address of the current tab and paste it in the new tab but this does not copy the history associated with the current tab.So to get a duplicate of your current tab, right click on the current tab and click "Duplicate"
  • ReopenSuppose you have cancelled a tab accidentally and want that tab back or you opened a link after a lot of serial naviagtion and closed the tab after its use in incognito mode(Normally happens with night players) then what will you do..?? You just press "CTRL + SHIFT + T" and it will open the recent closed tab. Isn't it so cool..??
  • Pin the tabif you want some tab to get fixed in your browser then just pin it.To pin a tab right click on the tab and cick "pin the tab"

Cool Advanced Features for developers

If you are a developer who wants to know more about a website or the working of a website.There are a few features which chrome offers to know more about some website or what types of cookies it sores on your browser.Just use these features for education purposes only because performing some type of hacking on a website using its cookies and other information or copying the code of some website's features is unethical and a scam.Below is the list of features which you can use..

  • Page Info: If you want to view the info of some web page to adjust some settings then this feature is for you.Just right click on the page and click "view page info" or click on the left most "lock" or "page" icon on your browsers's url bar.Then a popup will appear will will show the applied settings for that you can enable/disable javascript for that page, see its cookies and other data.You can block some of the cookies which you think can be harmful for your site.By blocking a cookie you don't do any harm to anyone so you can do this without hesitation.
  • Developers Tools This is the most advanced feature provided by chrome.If you want to view HTML elements of a website.You can see the styling, event listeners, cookies, all included sources and much more.Just click on the right most menu icon and click on "More Tools" Then in the appeared options, click on "Developers Tools". Then you will be able to see all the information of the website in which you opened these tools. Once again, "DONT COPY ANYTHING".Developer Tools option is so wide that if you want to learn to use it properly then a new post will be needed so lets just skip that learning process for now.

Extend The Capabilities

The previous information was all about the built in features in chrome but what is more cool about chrome is that you can extend its capabilities using extensions.Extensions are external apps which increase the functionality and provide awesome features to let you use some services directly.To know what extensions you have in your browser, click on the right most enu icon and click on "more tools". In the appeared list, click on extensions. Then you will be landed on the your extensions page. To add more extensions to your browser, click on "Get more extension" and you will enter in the chrome store where you can find any extension you want.Some of them which i find useful are listed below..

  • Hangouts:This extension allows you to open google hangouts directly and you can chat with anyone you want directly. It also notifies about the new messages.If you are a hangouts user then its only for you.
  • Save to google driveIf you love to store your files to google drive but hate to download them first and then upload them to drive then the solution is here.Just add this extension and then any file you want to download acn be directly saved to google drive.Just right click on the file and an option will appear which will let you save the file to drive.
  • Google Mail checker This extension is the best to keep you synced with your mails.It notifies you about any new mails you receive in you gmail inbox.You can directly access those mails by clicking that icon.
  • User Agent switcher: This is the coolest feature. You know that you are using chrome but you want to check how will your site or some other site look in other browsers then just add this extension and you can switch user agent.This is the way i test how my blog looks on mobile devices. I use laptop but switch the user agent to samsung S3 and the site loads as if i am using S3. Its awesome.

So this was all about your favorite google chrome browser.If i am missing some more important features of chrome then please don't hesitate to mention them in comments. If you like the article and get some important knowledge which you were lacking then please share it to let other people know about it.Subscribe to our news letter to get email updates of our articles, awesome tools and ebooks.


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