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Showing posts from June, 2015

Hybrid Apps : A New Prodigy

Hybrid Apps : The New Era What are hybrid apps ? Hybrid apps are the love children of web applications and java-based applications. Web applications are constructed using HTML, JavaScript, CSS, PHP and other web fundamental languages. These are run and operated on browsers so they are globally available on the web. On the other hand, java-based applications as the name suggest require java to construct them. These applications are stand-alone apps and may or may not require internet to work. Hybrid apps are the apps which are built using web development languages and are stand-alone applications which work like any other java based applications. If you are confused right now or curious to learn building these apps then keep reading because i am gonna list the features and the tools required to build your own simple app in less than 10 minutes. Features of Hybrid Apps Easy Languages As i told in the previous section, these apps are build using web development languages which a...

How to fix Ubuntu brightness problem

How to play with Ubuntu brightness Fix the fixed brightness If you have faced the problem of fixed brightness of ubuntu then you are at the right place because after searching so much, i have finally found the solutions. Yeah you are right, solutions..! There are so many causes to this problem thats why i have listed the possible solutions.You can try each and every solution and do a reboot after applying solution. Solutions Run this code in the terminal. xrandr --output LVDS1 --brightness 0.5 (It will not change the brightness but only the contrast. Also there is no need to reboot) Editing Grub Configuration Run this command sudo gedit /etc/default/grub . It will open the grub file. Change this code B_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" to B_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash acpi_backlight=vendor" OR (try the first one then second if first didn't work) Change this code B_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" to B_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAUL...

Cordova viewport problem solved

Include the viewport settings in Cordova If you are facing the auto zooming problem of cordova then go read on the full article. Cordova actually ignores the viewport meta tag which causes the pixel density problem. So we need to tell cordova that viewport tag is equally important as other tags. To do this, we need to add some code to a file which is specify in the article. Corodva messes with pixels If you are using the latest cordova version or creating the cordova app for latest android versions then you may have faced the zoom malfunctioning.I also faced it when creating an app. Many of you may have already searched the web and found the answer of changing the meta tag attributes to get it working. But adding target-densitydpi=medium-dpi does not solve the problem for latest android versions. It may work for gingerbread but not for kitkat and others. So the final solution which i found was one of the stackexchange answer but rarely found. So i am gonna two things here, i ...

Laptop Burglary : Prepare Yourself

Laptop Burglary Do we need to worry ? When we talk about our laptops then there is a rare chance that we think of its stealing. But according to a survey, laptops, mobiles and stereo systems are larger prone to theft than any other material. Because jewellary gets high protection under our homes, so instead of risking to get the jewellary, theives can get their hands on our tech stuff to gain profit. And when it comes to laptops and mobiles then we know how much they worth to us even if not by their market value. These items contain our data, that data which we have collected and/or created in many yeras. This can be anything like your pictures, videos, projects, presentations, records etc. So from now on, start thinking your tech stuff security. And to ensure their security, this post will help you to take certain simple measures. Get Insured Insurance is the first and foremost step to take when you want to get atleast your money back in cases when your stuff gets stolen. So ...