Everyone who has red the previous article of fetch-info or the one who want to do something additional with his blog to make it appear in the search results is curious to know that one simple trick which will tell the search engines about your blog's stuff.Well, you have come to the right place folks because i know that trick and i will definitely make you all aware of that technique. And not even about the stuff, that one trick will also tell the search engines about yourself and your reputation on social media. So sit back and read this article to get to the world of fame. HTML and the Search Engines So, In the previous article i told you about how adding some line of code will get the attentions of search engines to your blog.(Those who don't know about the search engines or haven't red my previous article then you might want to read it now .)That code is actually HTML code. HTML not only shows your visitors whats in your blog, it also tells the search engines about ...